
Simple YouTube Clone (HTML & CSS)


The “Simple YouTube Clone” project presents a simplified emulation of the widely recognized video-sharing platform, YouTube. Developed solely using HTML and CSS, this endeavor offers a visual interpretation of YouTube’s default page. While this website emphasizes the user interface, it abstains from client-side interactions, providing users with an opportunity to explore the platform’s design without engaging in interactive actions.

Key Features

Tech Stack

Getting Started

To view the “YouTube Home Page UI” on your local machine, follow these steps:

Clone the Repository

Clone the repository to your local machine using the following command:

git clone

Navigate to the project directory:

cd youtube-clone-html-css

Start the Application

  1. Open the youtube.html file.
  2. Right-click on the file and select “Open with Live Preview.”
  3. This will launch a live preview of the website in your default web browser.

Explore and Enjoy

Open your web browser and visit http://localhost:3000 to experience the “YouTube Home Page UI”.

Explore the “YouTube Home Page UI” and appreciate the artistry of its design, envisioning the possibilities of a fully interactive online grocery shopping experience.

Project Intent

The “Simple YouTube Clone” project is a creative initiative designed to facilitate the learning and refinement of foundational HTML and CSS skills. The static nature of the website offers an excellent opportunity for developers to comprehend design principles, experiment with styling techniques, and adeptly translate visual concepts into code. While interactivity is absent, the project’s fidelity to YouTube’s interface provides an accessible avenue to engage with the essence of a prominent digital platform.


“Simple YouTube Clone” underscores the potential of HTML and CSS in creating realistic, visually accurate user interfaces. Through its emulation of YouTube’s default page, this project empowers aspiring developers to elevate their skills, unravel design intricacies, and lay a solid groundwork for more intricate web development endeavors.

Note: Given the educational nature of this project and its lack of client-side interactions, users are encouraged to focus on design exploration and structural understanding while acknowledging the project’s absence of functional interactivity.


This project is not licensed.


Contributions are welcome! If you have ideas for improvements or new features, feel free to submit a pull request.